
It is my honor to be at the helm of Birch Run Area Schools and part of the Panther Family. As Superintendent, my first priority is to ensure that our students and Panther Team are welcomed each day into a safe and compassionate learning environment. I understand that every decision we make impacts the most important aspect of our lives - our children! Our focus is to create a System of Care that removes barriers and simplifies processes for our students, families, and our dedicated team to get the support they need.

Our strategic plan commits to implementing a System of Care that puts the whole child at the center. We foster a positive social environment that promotes compassion and resilience. Our responsive curriculum engages students PK through 12th grade as they explore their own personal path and have real strategies to empower them along the way while developing lifelong friendships and mentors. For more information, I invite you to review our goals.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve your families!

Central Office

Chain Of Command/ How to Effectively Communicate with School Officials

Parents are often discouraged when they attempt to communicate with central office administrators and school board members and are sent back to building-based officials in order to resolve a problem their child may be experiencing in school. To prevent that frustration, parents can become informed about the “chain of command,” or where to begin the communication sequence regarding their problem or concern.

Many parent and community questions are easily and completely answered by communicating directly with the educator in charge of the class or program. Each situation should first be addressed at whatever level the initial action was taken with appeals moving on to the next level on the chain of command. The easiest way to communicate is via e-mail, and a phone call is the next preferable way.

  1. On Matters Involving Instruction/Curriculum

    1. Classroom Teacher

    2. Principal

    3. Superintendent

    4. Board of Education

  2. On Matters Involving Athletics

    1. Coach

    2. Athletic Director

    3. Principal

    4. Superintendent

    5. Board of Education

  3. On Matters Involving Student Discipline

    1. Classroom Teacher

    2. Assistant Principal

    3. Principal

    4. Superintendent

    5. Board of Education

  4. On Matters Involving Facilities/Grounds/Buildings

    1. Principal

    2. Superintendent

    3. Board of Education

  5. On Matters Involving Transportation

    1. Bus Driver

    2. Transportation Director

    3. Superintendent

    4. Board of Education