Board Of Education

We are pleased to welcome you to the web page of the Birch Run Board of Education. Your presence on this page shows you care about education and take an interest in your local schools. This information is provided to guide you through a meeting and help you communicate with the Board.

Mission Statement

Empower, Educate, Inspire

Vision Statement

Excellence Through Innovation To Inspire A Passion For Lifelong Learning

Belief Statement

1. Birch Run Area Schools Staff and Faculty believe all students can learn and that the school will make a positive difference for students.

2. There are many differing ways in which children can learn and succeed and educators are responsible for finding best ways and means to help students achieve success.

3. A quality Curriculum and constantly improving instructional strategies are essential to optimal learning.

4. A child’s learning takes place along a continuum; a philosophy of continuous progress is necessary for benchmarking a student’s success.

5. The business of the District and each school is the equitable and appropriate education of its children.

6. A climate of high expectation for all and a welcoming environment produce optimal teaching and learning.

7. Schools reach out to, and depend upon, home, family, and community to support the education of each child.

8. School and community must evaluate (through data) the effectiveness of each goal achieved and the success of each student.

9. Students can demonstrate basic grade level skills and grow socially and emotionally, given the time, resources, and developmentally appropriate instruction.

10. The purpose of a school is to educate all students to the highest possible level of academic performance, while fostering positive growth in social/emotional behaviors and attitudes, so that students can attain their maximum educational potential.


Katie Barnum

Tom White

Ryan Rigda

Kristy Albrecht

Chris Young

Lee Engelhardt