Welcome to Preschool!
Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP)
Mrs. Roeser and Miss Fisher
Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Polzin
Monday - Friday 8:45 am - 3:51 pm
Tuition Preschool
Mrs. Blessing and Mrs. Root
Miss Berg and Mrs. Sopczynski
Monday - Thursday 3:45 - 3:51
Preschool Information
Birch Run offers 3 preschool programs:
Tuition Based Preschool is for children who are 3 years of age by 9/1/25.
SISD’s Head Start is for eligible children 3 and 4 years of age by 9/1/25. Head Start is a multi-age program.
The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is for eligible children who are 4 years of age by 9/1/25 .
Families interested in Tuition Preschool for their 3 year old can get an application in the office at North Elementary or via the school's website. Tuition Preschool offers a 3 and 5 day a week option. Children requesting 5 days a week will receive a seat in the program first. Courtney Blessing can be contacted with any questions regarding Tuition Preschool. Email Courtney Blessing
All families interested in Head Start or GSRP for the 2025-2026 school year need to complete an online interest form for their child at This is the first step in the enrollment process. The next step is for the Saginaw ISD to review each interest form and send it to the program the child appears eligible for. The program who receives the interest form will contact familes to schedule a registration appointment for the spring.
Both Tuition Preschool and GSRP offered through Birch Run Area Schools accepts Birch Run residents' children before out of district children. All preschool questions regarding GSRP can be directed to Megan Roeser at Email Megan Roeser . Questions regarding tuition preschool can be directed to Courtney Blessing at Email Courtney Blessing. They are the Enrollment Specialists for GSRP and Tuition Preschool. Head Start questions can be directed to Bonnie Dutcher at Email Bonnie Dutcher.
Academic Links
Volunteering in your child's classroom can mean many things. We realize your schedule may not allow you to volunteer in our classroom. You can be a volunteer by helping from home. Any items your family could help with would be greatly appreciated. Below are items the classroom could use throughout the school year. Many of the items can be found at local dollar stores. Thank you in advance for your help and thoughtfulness!
We regularly use playdoh in the classroom to help students develop fine motor skills. If you are interested in volunteering to make it, please let us know. Thank you!